RobotStudio event

Safety signal for device enabling


I have a robot in Profisafe, I want to manage the safe areas with the Safe Move option.

I would like to make sure that when the robot is only in certain areas (safe) I give my consent to allow the outputs to open and close the gripper.

Through the safemove visaual on robostudio I made sure that when the robot is in a certain area I raise a safety signal to 1, the problem is that I don't know how to connect this signal to enable / disable the output for opening and closing the gripper?
in Automatic is not a problem because the program does what it has to do, the problem that in manual mode the operator could force this output despite the robot is not inside the unloading area (safe area)

The robot is the master of the gripper and manages 2 outputs through the profinet network, one for opening and one for closing the gripper.

How can I do it?

Thank you


  • DenisFR
    DenisFR ✭✭✭
    You can manage it by using EIO-Cross.
    So you profinet output is your open signal and your zone one.
    Don't forget to change your profinet signal access level.

  • DenisFR said:
    You can manage it by using EIO-Cross.
    So you profinet output is your open signal and your zone one.
    Don't forget to change your profinet signal access level.

    @DenisFR Thanks for the reply.

    I had already tried but I can't call a signal declared inside the visual safeMove inside the cross connection.

    I don't find the signal fdo_ok_zone_02 in the cross connection, i can't put the safety signal as all acces level.

    Even if I can make the cross connection, how can I manage it? the cross conncection make sure that when for example the signal fdo_ok_zone_02 is at 1 also the signal di_inside_area  is at 1.

    in the program i can do in this way:

    IF di_inside_area then

    setdo do_unlock_gripper


    But in MANUAL MODE  the operetor can force the signal do_unlock_gripper also if the robot is not in the safety area.

  • DenisFR
    DenisFR ✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Which version of RS have you got?
    Do you have fdo_ok_Zone_02 defined in Signal view?
    Mine are grayed.
  • DenisFR said:
    Which version of RS have you got?
    Do you have fdo_ok_Zone_02 defined in Signal view?
    Mine are grayed.

    @DenisFR Hello,

    I found the problem now I do cross connection, the problem was that I was doing these tests on an old backup on RS 2019 and when I opened the safe configuration it was not synchronized with the controller as soon as I clicked write configuration to controller, I found the signals in the signal view

    The problem how i can mange now this signal in manuale mode?


  • DenisFR
    DenisFR ✭✭✭
    Make an Acces Level:
      Name: Gripper_Acces
      Rapid: Write Enabled
      All Client: Read Only

    You have:
      do_ask_unlock_gripper: an internal output (without assigned device and default access). This one manage by your RAPID code and IO viewer
      fdo_ok_Zone_02: a safety output at high when tool is out of area. (you want to allow gripper inside area)
      do_unlock_gripper: a profinet output assigned to your gripper device (with Gripper_Acces access level)

    Your cross connection is:
      Name: C_Unlock_Gripper
      Resultant: do_unlock_gripper
      Actor 1: do_ask_unlock_gripper
      Invert Actor 1: No
      Operator 1: And
      Actor 2: fdo_ok_Zone_02
      Invert Actor 2: Yes
    Do the same for lock.

  • DenisFR said:
    Make an Acces Level:
      Name: Gripper_Acces
      Rapid: Write Enabled
      All Client: Read Only

    You have:
      do_ask_unlock_gripper: an internal output (without assigned device and default access). This one manage by your RAPID code and IO viewer
      fdo_ok_Zone_02: a safety output at high when tool is out of area. (you want to allow gripper inside area)
      do_unlock_gripper: a profinet output assigned to your gripper device (with Gripper_Acces access level)

    Your cross connection is:
      Name: C_Unlock_Gripper
      Resultant: do_unlock_gripper
      Actor 1: do_ask_unlock_gripper
      Invert Actor 1: No
      Operator 1: And
      Actor 2: fdo_ok_Zone_02
      Invert Actor 2: Yes
    Do the same for lock.

    Thank you very much for helping