RobotStudio event

For the forum developers or moderators

There is no category for feedback on the look, feel and use of the forum, so I felt that this category is the closest match.  I noticed this today:

Maybe this user was accepting their follow up conversations in this thread?  I have no idea who can accept answers.  Original poster and moderators?  I have seen where some of my answers were accepted by moderators.  I understand that not everyone is a native English speaker, and this could be a language barrier thing.  Or perhaps a newbie mistake.  Whatever the reason is does not really matter.  What I think is that one should not be allowed to accept one's own follow up post to be accepted as an answer, particularly when it is not really an answer, but more questions, conversation.  Thanks for your attention, have a great day.
Lee Justice


  • xerim
    I agree - this should be addressed as it becomes very confusing when there are multiple "accepted answers" when going back through older posts and trying to track down a solution to a problem. Even on my own original posts, I am unable to select a reply and give it the designation of "accepted answer." There seems to be no way to determine who has the privilege of assigning replies as an "accepted answer." 
  • Hey guys,

    I will forward this feedback to Vanilla (the suppliers of this forum framework).


    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • lemster68
    You are welcome, and thank you!
    Lee Justice
  • I've received this response:

    So it's working as intended.

    I haven't seen this issue being that common, in general. I guess in this particular post it could be chalked up as a "language barrier thing".

    @xerim, you wrote: "Even on my own original posts, I am unable to select a reply and give it the designation of "accepted answer."
    Perhaps you already know this, but the thread has to be started as a Q&A-type in order to have the option to select an accepted answer. If you just hit the red "New discussion"-button it will not have this option.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • xerim
    Thanks Maxim, I did not know that
  • lemster68

    Perhaps you already know this, but the thread has to be started as a Q&A-type in order to have the option to select an accepted answer. If you just hit the red "New discussion"-button it will not have this option.
    I had no idea either, thank you.
    Lee Justice
  • xerim
    Any insight on how the point system works? Or the "Best of" category? 
  • Nope, not right now.

    I'll look into it.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • Maxim Riabichev
    edited February 2021
    I found some information here:

    TLDR: It's virtual cookies/pasteries/candy that also can be used to highlight certain posts.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer