RobotStudio event

20241 Operating Mode Conflict


My FlexArc 750 K series cell started to pop up an Error on the 20th August 2010.
The Error was triggered by the mode switch eachtime I selected the Auto function.


The Error contained the following code 20241 Operating Mode Conflict.


Can someone please give me help on this Error!!!




John Fraser
Afrit/Van de Wetering Eng.


  • We had a robot go down with this error ABB manual was of no use. 
    To clear it you need to go on the pendant>reset >advanced reset> third option Reboot IPC and reload program. Then you can use Jog function to align  zero pointers on robot and update Rev counters  in the  Calibration screen then reload Last Known good program.
     Initial Fault was eventually traced to faulty power supply in the IPC in the Robot controller cabinet
    Hope this helps somebody in future

  • I'm curious how this was traced to a power supply issue? The operating mode conflict error would seem to indicate an issue with the auto manual keyswitch or the circuitry from the keyswitch to the x6 connector on the safety board. 
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    Well, that was from 2013.  The original post, 2010.  You might not get an answer.  Neither user has been back.
    Lee Justice