MyAddIn - Problem with Paint PowerPac ???

Can anyone help with an issue I have after installing Paint PowerPac ?

When I start RS I get an error dialogue titled 'MyAddIn' which says "Component 'mshflxgd.ocx' or one of its dependancies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid"

If I press "OK" the dialogue box goes away and RS seems to be working OK, but I think some of the Paint PowerPac features are not available...


  • Hi,

    'mshflxgd.ocx' is a Windows file that the Paint PowerPac is using.

    If that file for some reason is missing, you can copy it from another
    computer (or use the attached file). The file should be placed in the
    folder C:WindowsSystem32.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Anders,

    I thought that may be the case but I did not have that file (mshflxgd.ocx) on any of my computers. Any idea why it is missing from all my XP installations?

    Many thanks for your help, the problem is now fixed!



  • Hi Ed,

    Good that it helped.

    I am not sure why the file is missing in some XP installations, but one theory is that Windows doesn't allow the file to be installed if you have SP2 for XP installed on your PC.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics