Display Multiple Simultaneous Views in RobotStudio


I was wondering if there was any way to display multiple views at the same time in RobotStudio by using the RobotStudio SDK? I am aware that it is possible to create multiple graphic views but as far as I can see they can only be switched between and displayed one at a time. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. 

Best Answer


  • To view multiple views, create a new view from the home tab, then right click on the view's tab and select new vertical (or horizontal) tab group.  If you have multiple displays you can also send one of the view to full screen while maintaining the second nested in RS.
  • Thank you Ferosapien.

    This did achieve the result I wanted, however I was hoping to do it in my c# add-in using the RobotStudio SDK. Do you know if this is possible, and if so how? 
  • Possible, take a look at the examples\user interface\add new view\ in the RS API manual
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Unfortunately the code in the sample there creates a new view but it just becomes tabbed behind the existing one, which is frustrating since even the description says "This would help to see your station from different views at once" . I've spent a lot of time looking for ways to access the splitter that creates new tab groups in the main window but it doesn't seem to be exposed (or is at least hard to find). 
  • Hello Per,

    Thank you, I didn't think that docking it would cause the effect I wanted so I'm ashamed to say I didn't even try, but sure enough it did the trick. After some modifications of the sizes I managed to create the same effect a "new vertical tab" click does. Thank you again!