How to add the action of a smart component into RAPID code?

please tell me, I made a spot weld tool smart component, try to include the action of the closing and opening of spot weld using action instruction, but not working. please help me to find a solution.

Best Answers


  • Hi JWeiman,
        Please give me the step by step procedure of this operation. It will helps me a lot. Thank you.
  • Here is a station that shows one way to do do it:

    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    RobotStudio Team, ABB Robotics
  • I seen your system and gather valuable info., but I use Version 6.00.01, so the system not run. but I can see how to connect the Robot with SC. But now I have very difficult problem.

    How to add or create an I/O Signals like DoClose and DiOpen to the Robot like IRB6700?

    When i want to make the connection from the SC to the Robot i do not have Such I/O signal on my Robot. Where do i create a new Signal on my Robot?

    Thank you...

  • RamkumarR
    edited October 2015
    Hi Graemepaulin and JWeiman,
                                    Your comment helps me a lot. I have completed my spot welding station successfully. I also thank JWeiman for helping me on this station logic methods. Thanks to you people.