Fail to create system

Hi. Can't create a system. Exception: Product installation is failed for new system creation Internal Error. Why is that?


  • Pavel Riabichev
    edited August 2016
    Go to %localappdata%\ABB Industrial IT\Robotics IT using Windows Explorer, rename the RobotWare folder(RobotWare _1 or something) and try to create a system again.
    There may be something corrupted in there.
  • It did not work
  • Are you creating a system from backup?
    Does that backup require custom RobotWare addins which you havn't installed on your PC?
    If so, you need to use the 'Install package' function in the Add-ins tab and point out the .rpk or .rmf files for the custom RW add-ins.

  • Try to install IronPython. It helped me when I couldn't create systems.
  • Exception: Product installation is failed for new system creation Failed to load language 'IronPython 2.7.4': Méthode introuvable : 'Boolean Microsoft.Scripting.Utils.ReflectionUtils.IsInterface(System.Type)'. ????????