

I need some info on the instruction SMove for Abb robots.

Do ABB have some info on this on the web,or does anybody

have a link to some site with info?




  • Hello Ronny,

    After some investigation I have found out a few things about this;

    Is it STMove you mean? There is such instruction that has to do with Spot Welding Servo Controlled Gun. The RobotWare option to get this instruction is called ServoToolControl.

    Maybe this is not the right forum for this kind of questions but if you confirm that you mean STMove (SMove, no one seems to have heard of SMove) I can see if I can get hold of some documentation.

    Best regrads

    /Ulrika Mor?n

    Support Engineer



  • HI

    Could be that i missed the T.

    Wrong forum, i agree about that.

    If you have any info on STMove,please send it,and i will se if it is

    what i am looking for.


    is the smov stands for spline move i.e. you have 3 points to teach but

    the must have equal distance perfect half a circle

  • Our department in germany created SMove  for an automatically homeposrunning system. A programmer develop a tool that you can develop a programm where the robot can move eassily to its home-position. in earlier version this was uncrypted. I attached the reference manual.



  • Thanks


    This was perfect.Just what i was looking for!
