How multi robot can avoid the collision.

I am searching the best way to avoid the collision between two or more robots.
When robots collaborate for a one goal they can move for their each goal at the same time. And when they act like this every robot does not know the other`s movement but it`s movement, this may occur the collision.

I know well organized RAPID program and some signals for synchronization all robots can make them avoid from the collision.
But if the operator makes mistake so robots are cut the sync to make them work as a one, the system will lose the control.

I read about the feature of 'Collision Detection Robotware Option' but it does not help for me(It only concerns about the collision of end effect)

Any kind of advice will be appreciated.

Thank you.     


  • World Zones is the option you should look for if two or more robots are working in the same working area to avoid interference and collisions.
  • I have checked the feature World Zones, and I found it is useful to avoid the collision with something that does not move during robot task.
    Is there any way to set a moving robot as a World Zone??
  • Create the Work zones for each robot and set up a DO for separate Work zones for each robot and you can control the robot movement with the DO set high or low for each robot movement and like this you can restrict the collision.
  • How can I share the same DO to ensure the synchronization between robots?
  • Have each robot set or reset a clear of zone output in its own task.  Then, the other robot must wait for the other to signal clear before it enters an area which has the potential for a collision.  I also wrote a background task to monitor that both robots (or more) do not set not clear at the same time.  If so, the background task issues a command to stop all robot motion.
    Lee Justice
  • Hi Mr. Kim, did you find any other solutions for this problem?
    I found similar function in other robot( IIC function for Faunc).