Reading speed of robot axes

I am looking for a way to read values of each robot axes' speed in a station working on Robotware 6.01. 
I found out that when I make system with Robotware 6.05 I can use test signals to do it. But when I try to do exact same thing with a system with Robotware 6.01 it doesn't work. 
Does anybody know how can I get these signals?


  • Why not just update the system to 6.05?  It is not difficult.
    Lee Justice
  • Have you tried using Signal Analyzer Online in RobotStudio?
    Henrik Berlin
  • There were some difficulties but at last the system has been updated. And now I have access to these sign@lemster68
    You were right it was the easiest way.
    @Henrik Berlin
    Signal Analyzer unfortunetaly can't read speed of joints. It can read only TCP speed.

    Does anyone know how could I get a Technical reference manual for RobotWare 6.05 now?  :D 
  • In RS, "file" tab, "help", you will find documentation.
    Lee Justice
  • @lemster68
     Thanks! I forgot that documentation is also in Help. :)