RobotStudio event

Mirrored Robot

I have two robots of 6700 series on track motion , same tool data for both , they are on the same track of length 40 M . I have teached the positions for one robot  on Left .

Now I want to copy the program and positions to the other robot pn Right , as it have to do the same jobs with same positions . what are the changes to be done to the right robot so it can reach the same position ? 
Please suggest something 


  • c63amg
    In the station editor, you can right click the path, then select mirror. 
    Experiment with which plane you want to mirror across, and how you need the target orientation. 

    If you have external axis for the robot, those need to be dealt with separately. 
  • girishjakkam
    Since I use Array of 10 positions , when I use the mirror Option it did not work . 
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    Take them out of the array to mirror, then put them back into array.
    Lee Justice