Save image from camera

Hi, there is a way to save an image acquired from Yumi's integrated vision on my desktop using rapid code? Thanks


  • Hi Eric, I don't think there is a way using rapid code.
    The only way I know is by an ftp client, pointing the ip address of the camera.
    You may trigger a script through an app made with the abb pc sdk ? I've never tried it's just an idea.
  • Have you found the way to save the image? I meet a similar problem: I want to read the image captured from YuMi's integrated camera, and then process the image in other app, such as opencv, but I failed to get the image. Would you give me a hand? @erict90 @thewater

  • Hi guys, I never tried to save the image using rapid but i think that the easiest solution is something like @thewater suggests.

    However, if you want, directly from the integrated vision tab of robostudio you can save the images when the camera is in run mode. Clicking in the filmstrip icon you can decide the path and when save the images. 

    Then, when your camera is running, you can press the start record button and start to recording your images.

    Hoping this helps, U.