
Hello to everybody :)
In order to be sure to pass to the PLC the correct "encumbrance signal", I would like to set one ReadOnly signal managed by the WorldZone, plus another one that I set inside my code after certain movements have been performed. This way, if I send to the PLC the OR function of the two I'm sure that the mechanism will never fail.

Does anybody know if this is possible?
If yes, how I have to declare the internal signal to assume just digital values and particularly is it possible to give to an internal signal the attribute ReadOnly which is mandatory for the WZones usage?

Thanks in advance!


  • Presuming you are using RobotWare 6.xx?
    Internal signal as per below, use drop down box to make the signal read only.

    Create a cross connection as per below for the OR logic

  • But how can I set my internal signal if they are ReadOnly?
  • To be able to change the signal from RAPID the access level would have to be Default (or All) for the internal signal.

    The cross connection with the output from World Zones will still work with the internal signal access set to default/all.

  • Thanks a lot! :)
  • If you want to make sure that your signal can never be altered other than from Rapid code you can create your own access level allowing only Rapid to be able to write.
  • How this can be done? Is it necessary to declare it as "internal" or it is better to change its safe level into "SafetySafeLevel"?
  • Vale said:
    How this can be done? Is it necessary to declare it as "internal" or it is better to change its safe level into "SafetySafeLevel"?
    Configuration > I/O system > Access level. Just create a new and and declare read only on every option but Rapid. What device it is on doesn't matter.
  • Thank you very much :)
  • Vale said:
    Thank you very much :)
    You're welcome. I'm happy to help.