Joystick Disable

What is probable cause of joystick disable? and how to fix it? 
sometime it is fixed after hard reset the flexpendant. 


  • One reason is if he joystick is deflected by something pushing on it when the pendant boots it sees this and disables the joystick.

  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    Did you make sure that joystick lock is off?
    Lee Justice
  • Agussyam
    edited June 2019
    lemster68 said:
    Did you make sure that joystick lock is off?
    Joystick is unlock for all direction. joystick disable still occurs. 
  • got the same issue. will be following this thread.
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    I recommend doing that which it is telling you to do, replace it, simple.
    Lee Justice
  • but we don't know probable cause of this error. we have other pendant with same treatment but joystick disable occurred on this pendant only. and it is very costly
  • There is a way to force the pendant to recalibrate (it first does the touch screen and then the joystick).

    But this requires connecting to the console port (which on the current main computer is not installed as standard - but you will have it if you have a fieldbus adapter), and then typing in a command to the base OS.

    Do you have a local ABB office that could help you with this?