Simulation world zone don't work

i'm trying to use the worldzone. 

in particular I would like to simulate a function that activates a digital signal when the robot is in the home position. 
If I understand, through the function I used in the rapid code (under) I go to activate the signal when the joints of the robot are in the "home_pos" position, with a difference of 2 degrees.
But there are a problem (rapid program havn't errors when i compile it) when i simulate it the simulation stops in the line 114 (see the image attached).

I have a doubt. I activated the "worldzone" function in the controller options, did I do it correctly? The robot is an IRB 120 and the controller is RobotWare 06.08.1040

Thanks in advance

PROC power_on()
        VAR shapedata joint_space;
        CONST jointtarget home_pos :=[[0,0,0,0,90,90],[9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];
        CONST jointtarget delta_pos := [ [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], [ 5, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9] ];
        WZHomeJointDef \Inside, joint_space, home_pos, delta_pos;
        WZDOSet \Stat, home\Inside, joint_space, do_homeSegnale,1;


  • In Module1 do you have this declaration?     VAR wzstationary home;

    Do you create a Power On event routine to execute the routine "power_on" ?

  • Hello,
    Doc says:

    Data type: signaldo

    The name of the digital output signal that will be changed.

    If a stationary worldzone is used then the signal must have the correct internal access level. The access level is set in the signal definition in the I/O system parameters. These concepts are further described in Technical reference manual - System parameters, see the types Signal and Access Level. The access level must be protected for access from the user (RAPID, FlexPendant), so the predefined internal access level can be used, or a custom access level can be defined by the user.

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group

  • Make sure your signal/s is set to Access = Read Only.

    I can share a pdf doc which could assist you somewhat if you want.
  • jmf said:
    Make sure your signal/s is set to Access = Read Only.

    I can share a pdf doc which could assist you somewhat if you want.
    Hi, jmf
    If you can share the pdf, I'm really happy.
    With a guide is it's easier.
    Waiting for your reply.

  • edorobot said:
    jmf said:
    Make sure your signal/s is set to Access = Read Only.

    I can share a pdf doc which could assist you somewhat if you want.
    Hi, jmf
    If you can share the pdf, I'm really happy.
    With a guide is it's easier.
    Waiting for your reply.