Upgrading Robotware from 5.61 to 6.11 on IRC5 controller

Hi there, I really hope someone can help out with this as I have been struggling with it for over 2 weeks now. I have bought an upgrade for Robotware from 5.61 to 6.11. The ABB people sent me over a new system and a migrated backup. I have RobotStudio 6.06 installed on my computer. I have been trying to 'upload' this upgrade onto my IRC5 controller and it just won't have it. I tried different methods, using Installation Manager, using System Builder, even tried to do it via the teach pendant by simply going to Backup & Restore and trying to restore the migrated backup onto the controller. Nothing works. I keep getting this error when I try to restore it that the EIO.cfg is incorrect/has errors. Trying to use the Installation Manager app, the controller doesn't even show up in the list. For some reason Installation Manager cannot see it, with or without me being connected to the controller via RobotStudio. I am running out of ideas here. I tried to ask ABB for help with this as this upgrade was purchased but that didn't get me anywhere. Has anyone else had this issue before and knows what to do about it? Thank you so much in advance!

Best Answer


  • In the Installation Manger manual it gives a description of the changes made when migrating the EIO.cfg. Confirm if the Header is as described in the manual.

  • Hi Jmf,

    Thank you for your response! This might be the issue as they are different. Mine is EIO:CFG_1 rather than EIO:CFG1. I will modify it to be with the correct header. I hope this will make it work! Thank you again! :) 
  • Hi again, It did not seem to do it unfortunately :( may I ask where are you seeing the Installation Manager manual? It looks like it is RobotStudio but I do not seem to be able to find that page on my RobotStudio... Many thanks in advance!  
  • d_sawyer said:
    Hi again, It did not seem to do it unfortunately :( may I ask where are you seeing the Installation Manager manual? It looks like it is RobotStudio but I do not seem to be able to find that page on my RobotStudio... Many thanks in advance!  
    Have you also changed the remaining figures? :)
  • Yes, I did... :( 
  • d_sawyer said:
    Hi again, It did not seem to do it unfortunately :( may I ask where are you seeing the Installation Manager manual? It looks like it is RobotStudio but I do not seem to be able to find that page on my RobotStudio... Many thanks in advance!  
    To get the instruction manual in the robot studio
    Controller -> Installation Manager-> Migrate Robotwere-> Migration CheckList

  • I suggest that you first check that you have RW 6.11 in your list of installed robotwares.  I would also use a newer version of robotstudio, 2019 or 2020.
    Lee Justice
  • Hi Lemster68, thank you for your reply. I did check that. It is installed there. I am now using robotstudio 2020 but with no better results. 
  • Amanda96 said:
    d_sawyer said:
    Hi again, It did not seem to do it unfortunately :( may I ask where are you seeing the Installation Manager manual? It looks like it is RobotStudio but I do not seem to be able to find that page on my RobotStudio... Many thanks in advance!  
    To get the instruction manual in the robot studio
    Controller -> Installation Manager-> Migrate Robotwere-> Migration CheckList

    Thank you Amanda! I managed to find it in the end (well, jmf pointed me to the right place :)
  • I would also check that RW 6.11 is compatible with the version of main computer in your controller.  For example, I think that the oldest is DSQC609, no way could you upgrade to this high a version.
    Lee Justice
  • Main computer is DSQC662. I didn't find anything online telling me that I cannot upgrade to 6.11 with this particular computer...? where would one find the compatibilities list? thank you in advance! 
  • DSQC662 is a power supply, NOT a main computer. The main computer which supports RW6.00~6.11 is DSQC 1000, DSQC1018 and DSQC1024.
  • innebandy said:
    DSQC662 is a power supply, NOT a main computer. The main computer which supports RW6.00~6.11 is DSQC 1000, DSQC1018 and DSQC1024.
    Oooops, thank you for explaining that to me (they should give them different names). Right, it's the DSQC 1000 so it should support it. My main issue is that the Installation Manager doesn't even see the controller. So no matter what I do, I cannot progress from there. It keeps saying no controller selected, but the controller is not even in the list. 
  • I have to ask because you have said that the installation manager does not see the controller.  Have you used the installation manager to first CREATE the system?  Then you would need to connect to the controller to download it.  You should also be able to put it onto a usb drive from which you could install the system.
    Lee Justice
  • lemster68 said:
    I have to ask because you have said that the installation manager does not see the controller.  Have you used the installation manager to first CREATE the system?  Then you would need to connect to the controller to download it.  You should also be able to put it onto a usb drive from which you could install the system.
    So what I started off with is an already created system with the upgraded RW version and the migrated backup folder. All of this has been done by an ABB engineer. I have them, they just don't seem to be working at all. I did create a system through Installation Manager - Virtual - New (From Virtual System). I cannot connect to the controller at all. I go Installation Manager - Network , I put the IP address there, which I am 100% sure it is the correct one, press the Add button, press Refresh, nothing shows up. I cannot create a new system from the migrated backup via the Installation Manager as it says that 'Selected folder is not a backup or backup is corrupted'. So I am not sure what you mean by create the system. Let me know if I somehow managed to not cover an option through all the ones I already tried. Many thanks! 
  • OK, make a new system, not virtual.  As far as your IP settings go, use DHCP, the controller will assign you an IP address when you connect to the service port.  Let us know how it goes.
    Lee Justice
  • Hi everyone! just to give you an update, an ABB engineer came in today to have a look. The only thing he did differently was use RS 6.09 rather than RS 2020. He then was able to see the controller under Installation Manager - Network and everything was quite straightforward from there. He did however install RW 6.09 and not 6.11. Sorry if this is not the fix people were hoping for. It seems that RS 2020 was more to blame than anything else. Thank you all for all your help and support! :)