Virtual SmartGripper 2 problem - g_ commands not available in RAPID

RS version 2020.2 (64-bit) - 20.2.9116.0
I have installed Virtual SmartGripper 2.00 package and Virtual_SmartGripper add-ins v3.56

Using IRB14000 double arm YuMi. RW version 6.11.2019.
In installatin manager 6 adding SmartGripper product(s) and in options/Application tab check the SmartGripper.
Adding Virtual SmartGrippers in to the station and attaching SC's to the YuMi gives warnings for both smartGrippers...
 - Warning PyrokratiaBallAssembly: IO Unit Hand_R was not Enabled.
 - Warning: StationLogic didn't connected successfully between: PyrokratiaBallAssembly and SC_SmartGripper_1

SmartGrippers virtual SC works ok in station through SC properties. except time to time fingers stops moving with fingerposition_slider. Only RS close - restarting correct this. 

The problem is that in RAPID the SmartGripper g_ commands are not available to make the program.



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  • Dear msalminen,

    Did you watched the tutorial video for setting up the Controller for double arm YuMi?
    You would also have to I-Start the Controller.
    You can download all tutorial videos from the original RobotStudio Forum Post.

    Steps to follow:
    -> Install the SmartGripper AddIn 3.56
    -> Install the Virtual_SmartGripper-2.0
    -> Close & Open RobotStudio -> Empty Station -> Import Virtual_SmartGripper (now you should see warnings that modules were replaced, if they were not updated already)
    -> Setup the IRB14000 Controller as shown in the video


    SmartGrippers virtual SC works ok in station through SC properties. except time to time fingers stops moving with fingerposition_slider. Only RS close - restarting correct this.
    Thanks for the information, I heard of this, but for the moment it was not reproduceable. - If you know how I can reproduce this issue, please let me know, so that I can eliminate it. -> Did reinitialization of the Gripper work in this case?

    Best regards,
  • Yes I have watch the video and follow it. I have try to do couble of different controller following the video. 
    Yes I have done th I-Start also
    Ye I have downloded the videos and watch them.

    I have follow those steps. Always same result... Still don't work.

    The reinitialization did'n help. Only restarting the RS will get the grippers works again.

  • Dear Mika,

    I will communicate to you via email, we can have a short call to find this issue on your pc if you want.
    I will update the solution here if we were successful.

    Best regards,
  • Thanks Florian.
    We had Teams meeting and problem is now found and solved.
  • Dear Mika,

    you are welcome!

    Problem Description:
    -> Before I-Start IRB 14000 controller, a user creates a backup. 
    -> User needs to I-Start the System to load the code of the RW AddIn SmartGripper 
    -> Issue: Restoring a Backup afterwards, the configuration Files were loaded as well, Device of SmartGripper isn't part of them.
    Actual Solution:
    -> Manually loading Rapid Modules from the Backup / from a stored Program
    -> Manually loading the configuration parameters (*.cfg files)

    Best regards,


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