System failure State on IRC5 IRB 2600

edited November 2020 in Robot Controller
We are facing an issue in one of the robots.
We are done with the basic installation on site and did calibration and started teaching points.
The Next day after switching on System failure is the message displayed in the pendant.
we have restored the old backup, but it fails to restore.
We have Reset the complete memory using the advanced option and downloaded the old back up. After that, it asked for revolution counters to be updated. We did the calibration and reteached points again. We were able to run some Auto trials after that. We thought everything was set.
For the second time we have that same system failure error today.
How can it be resolved? and what are the reasons it can come?

Error message:
1).  20195: system data from last shutdown is lost.
2).  20193: Robot data update warning.
3).  10014: system failure state
4).  20032: Revolution counter not updated


  • You need to check the backup power supply.  It has not enough energy to successfully write the image of the controller to memory when it is shut down.  Also, instead of just powering down, choose advanced, shutdown.  The pendant will tell you when it is safe to turn off the controller.
    Lee Justice
  • lemster68 said:
    You need to check the backup power supply.  It has not enough energy to successfully write the image of the controller to memory when it is shut down.  Also, instead of just powering down, choose advanced, shutdown.  The pendant will tell you when it is safe to turn off the controller.
    how to check the backup power supply ?
  • By backup power supply, you are referring to the SMB battery lemster? I've had this issue multiple times (failure state) that was rectified by simply replacing the SMB battery and updating the revolution counters. 
  • No, the part of the power supply that is supposed to stay live long enough to write the controller image upon power down or loss of power.  I think that these days it is just a couple or more capacitors, but I am by no means an electrician.  Check in that troubleshooting guide.
    Lee Justice
  • innebandy
    innebandy ✭✭
    edited November 2020
    In most cases, the root cause of this problem was the power supply unit; DSQC604 or DSQC662. If the symptoms are repetitive, replace it with new one.