simulate a moving on the conveyor


I would like to move a pallet on a conveyor in my model. The pallet should stop at a certain place, then the robot will do a series of actions.  After that, the pallet keeps moving forward. How should I realize these simulation?

Thank you very much!


  • Hi,<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    If you have installed RobotStudio 5.08, you can do like this:

    Use Create Mechanism to create a mechanism of your conveyor and pallet. Add poses in the mechanism at the positions there the pallet should stop. Add also transition times to the mechanism.

    Set up events with the Action Type "Move Mechanism to Pose" in the Event Manager to move the conveyor to the different poses.

    Setup cross-connections in the Event Manager between the Station Signals (that's trigged in the event above) and the signals you use in your robot program.

    You will find information about this in the RobotStudio Help.


    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Hi,thanks for your suggestion.


    sunflowerc2007-3-5 6:50:12
  • Is it possible to create a mechanism with more than one kind of movement? I first want to make a prismatic movement and then a rotational, and then a prismatic again. Is this possible?
  • Hi
    Ofcourse in this case you will have to define 4 links and 3 joints.
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • [QUOTE=Anders S]Use Create Mechanism to create a mechanism of your conveyor and pallet. Add poses in the mechanism at the positions there the pallet should stop. Add also transition times to the mechanism. [/QUOTE]


    Where would I find the "Create Mechanism" at?

    Thanks in Advance,

    dh_custompak2010-05-30 04:48:00
  • Hi
    You can find it in the Create menu (almost at the end)
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • [QUOTE=Anders S]

    Setup cross-connections in the Event Manager between the Station Signals (that's trigged in the event above) and the signals you use in your robot program.

    You will find information about this in the RobotStudio Help.


    I set the conveyor and pallet as a device, then I set the event "Move Mechanism to Pose". I set a Digital Output signal to trigger this event , but the program can not run.Why?

    I didn't find the explaination of Station signal, so I don't know how to setup cross-connection between Station Signal and DO I used.Maybe this is the reason I couldn't run the program.How to solve it ?

    sunflowerc2007-3-28 8:52:20
  • Hi
    If you start the IO simulator (menu controllerio simulator) and in select system choose station signals then press the edit button and you will be able to define station signals.
    Then you define a new io connection event where your controller signal is the trigger(drag and drop into the right area) and the station signal is the action.
    And then define events for controlling the mechanism pose with the station signal.

    Hope this explaination was understandable


    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering