SoftAct and Collision Detection

I notice in the help documentation for the Motion Supervision Option 613-1, it says:
"The collision detection may trigger without a collision when the robot is used in soft servo mode. Therefore, it is recommended to turn the collision detection off when the robot is in soft servo mode."

We don't have the Motion Supervision option or the Softmove Option (IRB660), motion supervision is turned on and set to 300%.
We are using use SoftAct when picking up a load, and we are getting some motion supervision errors - should we not be using SoftAct when motion supervision is turned on or is this completely different to softmove?


  • Soft servo is not the same as SoftMove.  The motion supervision can actually go up to 500, you can try that.
    Lee Justice
  • If you do not have the motion supervision/collision detection (613-1)  option then the tuning has no effect - that is it is ignored. You can only turn it on or off.
  • If you do not have the motion supervision/collision detection (613-1)  option then the tuning has no effect - that is it is ignored. You can only turn it on or off.
    So is changing the motion supervision values in the config files ignored as well unless I have this option? I know setting them in the Rapid program doesn't work.

    My main question is, should motion supervision be turned off if I am using SoftServo?

    I know its different to SoftMove but I would assume it would use the same method to control the softness of an individual Axis, just without the complexity of multiple Axes.

    Can this cause false motion supervision errors?
  • Are there any loads mounted on the arm?  Is the correct payload set for the gripper?
    Lee Justice
  • The tool mass and payload mass is set correctly. Occasionally there is some product variation which puts a bit more force on the axes when picking up the payload