IoT Gateway's configurable MQTT publisher

Where can I find more information about the configurable MQTT publisher IoT Gateway's functionality? Can't find anything more detailed on how to use this resource on help or manuals.


  • Micky
    Micky ✭✭✭
    information and documentation of the IoT Gateway can be found in the ABB-Developer Center.

    See the following link:

    Information about the MQTT publisher can be found in chapter 4 on page 59 in the following documentation:
  • Hi,

    Does anyone have experience on MQTT publisher with Virtual Controller? Can one publish to e.g. a Mosquitto broker running at localhost? With real robot all works, but would be nice to do some development with VC.
  • Micky
    Micky ✭✭✭
    you can use IoT Gateway also with virtual controllers.

    If your Mosquitto broker already works with real robots, it will also work with virtual robots.

    You just need to define the alias for the virtual robot in the "IoT Gateway Configuration" program,

    Assuming the virtual controller is started, you have to press the button to "Add new alias" and then the "Scan" button. From the list of found robots (VC and RC) select the virtual one and give it an alias name. 
    After saving and exiting the "IOT Gateway Configuration" program, the IoT Gateway service will be restarted and your virtual controller should be able to send MQTT messages.