Circular conveyor tracking


     Does anybody successfully creat a Circluar conveyor mechanism in the robotstudio?

I didn't find any manual and instructions relative.


  • Unfortunately, RobotStudio does not support circular conveyor tracking, only linear.

    Henrik Berlin
  • Hello Henrik,

    wil the new RS 5.60 support circular conveyor tracking?



  • No unfortunately not.

    Do you have a big need for it?



    Henrik Berlin
  • Hello everybody

    I create a circular conveyor tracking in Robotstudio with help of my local ABB Support, thank's for this help!

    They way you can do it, is to create a linear conveyor and then set under Configuration->Motion->Transmission the value Rotating Move to Yes.
    If you now create a point in the frame, the point rotates around the z-axis of the conveyor.
    To turn your model you have to create a smart component and set the speed equal to the speed of the conveyor. (0.2m/s=0.2rad/s=11.459°/s)

    The only problem is to sync your conveyor with your model.
    I could set it up, that when i "delete"/reset the conveyor and then start the conveyor and the rotation of the model at the same time, that it is synchronous.
    An other option is that you take the value "c1Counts" and turn the model with this, because then it's realy synchronous. This is a little bit tricky because then you need to calculate the right angel and do a loop around your JointMover to update the position all the time. If you do this don't forget to remove the limits on your kinematics.

    I would prefer when ABB offers a possibility for a external smart component sensor to trigger the conveyor.
    And if this is to complicated to implement, it would be nice to "delete"/reset the conveyor over the smart component ConveyorControl Card, so that you don't need to delete it manualy like this:

    Best regards, 