Calculating Load Data - joint load too high

Morning Guys,

I was wondering if someone could advise me on the below issue I am experiencing.  

I am trying to use the service routine 'Load identify' to help me calculate load data of numerous different products the robot will have to handle. However every time I run the routine in full speed mid way through the robot '50055 joint load to high' on axis 6.

The products are bags that are able to swing around when in the EOAT when the robot is handling the load and they range from 3 - 7 KGs.  

I am using a IRB 2600 with a 20kg max payload and the tool data is:
Pers tooldata tActiveTool:=[TRUE,[[438.387,262.5,32.5811],[0.717437,0,0.696623,0]],[8.1,[42.8,152.1,5.9],[1,0,0,0],0.253,0.195,0.371]];

I am worried that the fact the load can move and how far it is suspended from tool0 is too much for the robot to handle at full speed. 

Is there a way of lowering the ACC/DEC when running the service routine so I am able to complete it or is there a better way of calculating the load data in this circumstances. 

Thanks in Advance for your help.


  • Hi Lee, 

    Thanks for you fast reply, i've downloaded the add-in to have a look later. I had a quick look, but am i right in thinking this is only useful if you have the Step files of the products on RS? in the case of this project i dont. 

  • I don't think that matters.  It should calculate whether or not the payload is within the allowed payload and cog.
    Lee Justice
  • hi, 

    Had a proper chance to look at this over the weekend and it was just what i needed, thanks for pointing me in the correct direction :smile:

  • You are quite welcome.
    Lee Justice