RunRoutineButton but without the popup

Is there any way to have a RunRoutineButton, or any button that can run a routine in screenmaker that doesn't have the "The Robot might move during this, is this okay?" popup?


  • Use a regular button with the same action as the run routine and uncheck the popup warning.
  • PinkertonRenishaw
    edited May 2024
    I don't see a way to run a routine as an action on a regular button? Are there any screenshots or documentation showing this?

  • This is what is written in the manual.
  • @PinkertonRenishaw do you solve this? I'm working with screenmaker and I'm trying to figure out the same issue, wondering if there is actually a solution for this (I am not able to solve the logic riddle for using a normal button instead a runroutine one to run a proc)
  • @antren93 I did and I didn't, I managed to implement a solution using normal buttons but due to my requirement for the robot to move during a button press, I had to revert the change and settle on keeping the popup. It was determined that it wasn't actually worth the effort to investigate any further after that as people were happy enough with the popup.
    If you're not planning on the robot moving during a button press, then you can use a similar implementation that I attempted, it took heavy inspiration from the tutorial project included in the installation of RobotStudio found likely in your "Documents/RobotStudio/ScreenMaker Projects/Tutorial" directory, paired with version 5.13 of the "Operating manual" for robot studio i found online which detailed the full tutorial.
    There does look like a way to potentially get something working for movements without runRoutineButtons but I never figured it out, using Trap routines and other systems. 
    There is a detailed section on RunRoutineButtons in the "Operating manual" for Robot studio version 2021.4, again found online that could likely be of help for this.