Enabling and Using RWS on a Real Controller

Thanks to Maxim and Daniel, I have successfully used RWS with a VC. Now, I’d like to get it working on a real controller. I’ve tried ports 80 and 443, but it appears that the controller is not listening by default.

Is there a guide available to enable RWS on a new OmniCore? I would also appreciate help with obtaining the CA certificate, including uploading it to the controller via RobotStudio.

Thank you very much in advance!


  • cltw666
    edited January 7
    This is what I have so far. The RWS is only active on the MGMT port by default. This is described in  3HAC065041-001 Revision: S, page 88.

    I'm able to use curl on the MGMT port only. I have activated everything I can see in the firewall manager.  I am able to ping the IP, however, curl is not responding. I have used telnet, nmap and the port on both 80 and 443 is not open on both public and I/O port.

    FYI, I'm using omnicore controller RW7.14. 

    What else am I missing?
  • Via RobotStudio, you can enable RWS on Public Network (if that is what you'd like).

    Connect to controller -> Configuration -> Communication -> Firewall Manager -> edit RobotWebServices.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • Hi Maxim,

    Thanks, I have enabled the RWS on both Public and I/O network. However, it is still not responding. I even went as far as enabling everything in the Firewall manager, this includes Bonjour, Netscan, ABB connected services and all.

    I can ping the public or I/O network IP but it doesn't work when I tried curl. is there anything else I need to do or is it possible that it is conflicting with some other options?
  • IO network will not work because it's isolated. 

    Public/WAN requieres the option "3119-1 Robotstudio connect" 
    Systemintegrator - Web / C# / Rapid / Robotstudio

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    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group
  • Hi Tompanhuhu, thank you for the information. I did read something similar in this post PCSDK or RWS — ABB Robotics User Forums.

    It would be great for ABB to state what their license does! it is very confusing and can cause huge headache.

    I will get the option and confirm once I get it working!
  • Hello everyone,

    I'm reporting back regarding the issue. You do need 3119-1 in order to use RWS and/or RobotStudio Connect.

    Interestingly, the two functions I tested only work on the Public network; they do not work on the I/O network.

    This is quite strange because you can enable these functions in the firewall manager, and you can ping the IP, but it does not respond. ABB should clarify this and remove the option to enable these functions on the I/O network if they are not intended to work there.

    For your information, this behavior has been confirmed on RW7.16.2 using RobotStudio 2024.3.1.
  • Thanks for the feedback! I agree that ABB could make the "option" feature a bit clearer.

    In general, the following applies:

    • If you want to use the public/wan port for anything (IO,PCSDK,RWS,ROBOTSTUDIO,SOCKET..), you’ll need the PC Interface/RobotStudio Connect option.

    • The IO Network is strictly for IO devices. You can’t use RobotStudio, PCSDK, RWS, or any other API on this network due to IT security reasons.

    • The service/mgmt port can be used for most purposes, but its IP address is fixed at This means you can’t connect multiple robots to the same network using this port.
    Systemintegrator - Web / C# / Rapid / Robotstudio

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