Problem with Changing Robot Ware


Currently my robot has had some issues with it i/o and I'm in the process of trouble shooting, I did upgrade my system to 5.06.07 however I didn't have time to get it working 100% so I changed the name of the system folder so when I restarted it would ask me what system I would like to load. Recently I just decided to go back to 5.06.07 so I changed the name back to the name it was before and changed the folder name of the old robot ware to get it to ask me what system I would like to load. Unfortunetly it didn't, it just sits at the connecting to controller screen. Does anyone know what I can do to fix this? I tried connecting through an ftp again and it won't connect. I am unfamiliar with a serial connection to the robot, Any help would be greatly appreciated at this time of panicimage!

dh_custompak2007-5-9 18:51:4


  • I don't understand why did you change the name of system folder. Try to load new system to your controler a select the system.
  • Hi Martiner,

    Thanks for the reply, I have learned a lot since then, I believe that when you change the folder name of a system it forces an X-Start, I never realized back then you could just restart the controller with an X-Startimage. I did finally get the issue taken care of with communications through the console port.


    dh_custompak2010-05-30 04:35:34