connect and disconnect of parts to tools


i have a tool gripper (turning gripper for to different parts) and i have problems to connect and disconnect parts to my tool. Now the questions :

- It is important where the "local origin"  of the part is, isn't it?

- Where can i modify the "snap point" of the tool ? (it seems to be the first made TCP from creating the tool)

- I can define more than one TCP for a tool but there is always the same "snap point" for connecting parts

Thank you for your answers.




Klaus Vogel
Kühne+Vogel Sondermaschinen GmbH


  • Hi,

    If you select "Keep position" in the Attach Object window in the Event Manager, it doesn't matter where the local origin of the part is. The part will keep the position relative the tool it has when you attach it.

    If you select "Update position" the local origin of the part will be attached to the first made TCP from creating the tool. This "snap point" is not possible to change.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Hello Anders,

    OK, thank you for your quick reply.

    It is a little bit strange, that i can not modify this "important" point. I don't know if "snap point" is the right word for that point. What is the right description in english.

    But why is it not editable ? - Are there any important reasons for that in RS.

    What can i do if i have turning gripper for two parts and i need two "snap points" ?

    Best regards

    Klaus Vogel


    Klaus Vogel
    Kühne+Vogel Sondermaschinen GmbH
  • Hello Klaus,

    Until now there have not been any demand from costumers about editable attach frames (snap points). But I will add it to the wish list for future releases.

    A workaround in the meantime is to attach two (or more) tools to the robot with different TCPs. Then can you decide what frame (TCP) you should attach the part to.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Hello Anders,

    thanks a lot. - I will wait for future releases.

    Best regards

    Klaus Vogel

    Klaus Vogel
    Kühne+Vogel Sondermaschinen GmbH