Action Instruction Templates


I've generated a few custom instructions in the virtual controller.  Arguments for these instructions include several different datatypes, including custom datatypes.

It would be nice to have RS sync the required data to the VC automatically.  I'm assuming this is where the "SyncReferencedData" field comes into play in the Edit Action Instruction window.

However, when I try to turn this to "True" I get the error:  "Unable to apply these changes.  Please make sure that his description have the right point types for the given robtargets or jointtargets."

What am I missing here?


  • PerSvensson
    PerSvensson ✭✭✭

    The point type error usally is when it's  robtarget data and you haven't defined which point type it is (can't be none).

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • DanS
    DanS ✭✭

    The instruction I'm creating a template for has five arguments: 4 numdatas, and 1 trackdata.  I still cannot change the SyncReferenceData to true.  I can't change it in any ActionInstructionDescriptions.

    Is there a way to force it to true in the exported xml file?