Measure a element

I need measure a element, when it movin on conveyor. Can I use a encoder to do it?? And what I should have in my controller ??


  • Hi,

    If the conveyor run allways whith the same speed you just need sensor, if you measure the time that sensor its on you just need use this form.

    Speed of conveyor=distance/time

    if you calculate the distance when sensor its on it is the measure of your element. like this   Distance=Speed of conveyor x Time that sensor its on.



    I have a situation like that and I use the interrupts to measure the time, and I don't use the encoder and works fine, but whith a encoder I think it works too.

    Best Regards

    Joao Fidalgo

    some times its not possible use this solution I don't know if in your aplication its possible make something like I do.

    joaof2007-7-19 13:26:10

  • Hi biedron

    If you put a DSQC354 card in your controller, you can connect the encoder and the trig sensor, obtaining a very accurate measure.
    You'd better to use a laser class sensor.
    You will need to connect the trig sensor to the 354 card, AND in parallel to a input signal (much better if you use an ABB card, since interrupts are processed without time latency).
    Let's call this signal "diTrig".
    With the DSQC354 card, you will have an anlogic signal usually called c1position. This signal is the current position of the conveyor after the first trig.
    The card will set c1position to 0 when the trig signal go up.

    Just program an interrupt like

    ISignalDI diTrig,0,int_Measure;


    TRAP int_Measure
      nMyMeasure:=c1Position * 1000;
      PulseDOhigh c1RemAllPObj;

    I multiply by 1000 because c1Position is in meters, and you'll probably like your measure in millimeters. The second instruction will keep your queue clean.
    If you don't need to pick in conveyor tracking mode, you'll probably not need the conveyor tracking option, but just the card.
    If you are planning to use the conveyor tracking option, you will probably need another card because of the behaviour of the queue.

    I used a similar trick to trig a camera each "dx" of conveyor motion. It worked great.

    Best Regards
    Claudio Meinardi

    claudio2007-7-22 10:57:58