Robot Calibration

image One of our robots was installed incorrectly. As a result, when the

timing marks are checked they are off. The person who installed the unit is

no longer with the company. What to do? Just re-align, but how to maintain

accuracy when importing programs from RobotStudio? Wobj?


  • In Robot studio you are able to correct all targets... "copy and paste" by adapting the Wobj to the real robot program. "New wobj" and so on..<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


    But in the s4c+ program "Program Maker" there are wizards that will help you to correct any errors if you're program is a little bit off in a Wobj or TCP. Here is also a Mirror wizard if you are doing for exampel a program on one side of a car-body and will move it to the other side.

    but it is a hard work to get the perfect world i Robot Studio to adapt to the real world sometimes...and vice versa.

     I always feel that the robot need to be moved into position some millimiters to compensate re-orientations.

    But of course Abs-accuracy will help you on the way... to a perfect robot and program.