NewBie question: earth connection

I have a entry level question here:

   we have a IRB6600 robot with IRC5 controller, mounted on the ground. For the control cabinet has earth connection,we have done.

For the base frame robot (red manipulator), do we need to connect

an additional earth wire?

   Thank you if anyone can help me 


  • I now that different car manufactures do this thing in a lot of different ways....depending on application, tools and machines around the robot.
    I will recommend you to use a Ground / earth wire, it may help you with noise on signals/communications.
    In some installations I know that every thing was grounded like fens, connection boxes, cabel tray
    and everything was potentially measured in between every part of the robot cell for personal and electronical safety, it reduced EMC-damage and a lot of intermittent faults on that plant, and it was a demand for the installation. The PLANT saved money in the fail tracing.
    Necessary ? No, robot have shelled cables and good capsulation as long as the doors and lids are closed...
    vulpes_h2007-11-4 21:57:59
  • Henrik, Very appriciated for your advice!