View tool at target problem


If i create a tool and attach it to the robot everything works ok except for when i choose view tool at target. Then the rotation of the tool is shown wrong on the screen. What can be the problem?


  • Hello,

    Are you sure that the TCP orientation is defined correct in the tool?

    "View tool at target" use the TCP defined in the tool to display the tool at the selected target(s).

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Om jag omorienterar runt tcp:n s? st?mmer alla riktningar. Kan det ha att g?ra med om modellens local origin ligger fel i riktning?

  • Om local origin ligger fel borde verktyget attachas fel p? roboten, f?r verktygets local origin attachas till tool0 p? roboten.

    Om du mailar verktyget till mig kan jag ta en titt och se om jag kan hitta felet. E-mail:

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics