how to download a gripper cadd file online to robotstudio

hii everyone, i am an mtech student and doing my project on abbirb1200 robot. i need to attach gripper to the robot which not available in tool library of robotstudio. what am i suppose to do



  • Hi there,

    Well, if you need a customized gripper/tool there are some few steps that can be followed:

    1) Draw your gripper, download irb1200 cad for measures, then using a cad editor draw it and export it to a supported  extension, for .sat
    2) Upload your geometry (filename.sat) to RobotStudio using using import geometry function, under Modeling or Home tabs.
    3) Use create tool function ( under Modeling tab )
    4)  On the Layout tree menu right click on the created tool and select attach to... option and select IRB1200....
         Can also drag and drop the tool u have created over IRB1200... robot in the layout.

    Which version of RobotStudio are you using ?

    All the BEST,