RobotStudio event

Reset output values via PROFIBUS


I’ve got an IRB 14000 YuMi robot. It’s connected via PROFIBUS to TwinCAT3 on an IPC. In the Rapid code, I’ve written an interrupt that is called in case of an error (for example motion supervision). The interrupt writes an integer value (the value depends on the error that occurs) into a digital output and in TwinCAT an error message is displayed on the graphical user interface I have created. The user can reset the error signal in TwinCAT and the program continues running. The only problem is that the value of the DO isn’t reset and the error message is still being displayed.
Is there an option to reset the value automatically after restarting the program?
I’ve tried setting an output in TwinCAT that calls an interrupt on the robot controller. The interrupt is supposed to set the DO back to 0, but somehow it didn’t work. Is there something I might have forgotten? Maybe the priority of the interrupts (I actually don’t know how to change it as I’m a beginner in robot programming)?

Thank you for your help!