Loading error S4C+ controllers

I've written new programs for a robot station that works with 3 IRB 2400 robots on Robotstudio. However, the modules that I've created on Robotstudio cannot load onto the real station. It's strange because on Robotstudio, I don't get any error messages, so I expect the modules to load when we click start cycle. I have attached the picture with the error message. Anyone possibly know why it does this?



  • Looking up error code 40322 in the user guide - there is a RAPID syntax error in the module you are trying to load.

    Have you checked the file you are trying to load for errors in RobotStudio 4?

  • Yandisa
    edited November 2021
    Hello Graemepaulin

    Thanks for your response. I am only seeing it now. Anyways, I managed to get the error sorted. Workobjects defined for S4C+ controllers are not defined the same for IRC5 controllers. So I just had to update workobjects definition for the different controllers.

    E.g, to simulate on Robotstudio, my workobject would be defined like this:

    Task PERS wobjdata wobj3_P703 := [FALSE,TRUE,"",[[0,0,0],[1,0,0,0]],[[0,0,0],[1,0,0,0]]];

    For the real station using S4C+ controllers

    PERS wobjdata wobj3_P703 := [FALSE,TRUE,"",[[0,0,0],[1,0,0,0]],[[0,0,0],[1,0,0,0]]];

    Also, for this controller, I had to ensure that the names of my workobjects, routines and modules was quite short, otherwise the controller would fail to load.
