Gripper mechanism problem

edited December 2016 in RobotStudio
Hello everyone, I have a problem with creating mechanism in robotstudio. My mechanism is a gripper designed for my application, I can't compose it in robotstudio, program displays message that it cannot compile mechanism.My gripper looks like this:(linear move of pink element is converted to rotation of gripper jaws thanks to yellow connectors)
Everything works until I create rotational joint between green housing and jaw, when I try to compile mechanism it says it is imposible. Am I doing something wrong or it is just application error?
my robotstudio version is 6.03
please help.


  • This is how it looks like in RobotStudio
    Can someone please tell me what am I doing wrong?
  • I think this sort of closed loop kinematics require putting dependencies on other joints. RS doesn't do this automatically like some CAD (e.g.SolidWorks) software are able to do. This means you must solve some nasty equations on the links. Attahed there is a zip which contains a RS library of a similar example. Just import it and click "Modify Mechanism" on the right mouse button context menu to see the joints and their dependencies. There's also a picture of the depency equations attached. I used RS6.04.01 to make the library, hopefully it works on older versions as well.

    BR, Keijo

  • Keke, Your gripper works perfectly!
    But I think it is too complicated for me to build those eqations for visual effects only.
    I cannot edit mechanism, RS says it has unknown error.
    Looks like I need to update my software. By the way I don't know how to access dependency of joints. How to acces that?

  • You can add depencies when compiling a device. Like in my example I have put dependency on j31, where I compute its value using a formula. In the formula you can see the leading joint J1. If the depndency is simply a scaled value of another joint (e.g 10*J1), you can use the "Use LeadJoint and factor" option. But you are correct, dependendies are mostly used for visual purposes so they don't matter that much.


  • Hello Keke,

    I left you a private message. I hope you can review ... Thank you!