Connect I/O module

I have a IRC5 compact controller
how i connect this I/O?
I dont look data sheets of this.


  • see attached circuit diagram - if you are not using an external power supply you need to connect the 0 and 24 VDC from XS16 (last page in attached).
  • see attached circuit diagram - if you are not using an external power supply you need to connect the 0 and 24 VDC from XS16 (last page in attached).
      I have a problem, in the power supply have 24 V but in pin 9-10 of outputs DSQC652 not have any. I probe all and not work..... See the picture, in the first have "V" in the rest "mV"icture,two
  • Yes you need to connect the 24 volt from the XS16 connector (pin 1 or 3) to the X14 or 15 pin 10 (pin 10 is on X14 is connected to pin 10 on XS15 internally so you only need to connect to one of them). Also 0 volt from XS16 (pin 2 or 4) to XS12 or XS13, and XS14 or XS15 pin 9.
  • Thanks you so much @graemepaulin I probe this and it is work ;)