SMB Battery

i have error message 38200 battery backup lost, and error message 20032 rev.count not update
i replaced the SMB Battery but the error not deleted,
could you please help me to reset this errors ?


  • Hello 
    By resetting this error what you mean you want to delete error log or error is still persists even after replacing battery.
  • Hello, we have at school a Yumi robot 14050 (single arm). Some week ago appeared error 38200. I bought a new battery and replaced it. I also measured old battery and it was at 3,5V (so was clearly discharged). New battery is 7,2V so it seems to be ok. The problem is that the error is still there even if i delete it: every time that i reboot the robot the error appears and i have to recalibrate. Someone know the possible reason?
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    Have you ensured that the battery was installed with the polarities correct?
    Lee Justice