RobotStudio event

[RAPID] Safe Interrupts

I'm a student in engineering and I am interested in learning RAPID programming language.
I found the manual quite solid and complete but I have few doubts, as subject of the discussion : I cannot understand what exactly are safe interrupt. 
I understood that the attribute "safe" in RAPID means that these interrupts are queued also when the program is in a STOP state. 
What I do not get about interrupts is :
Is there only one queue for all the interrupts (normal and safe ones)?
and, if there is only one queue, the main point is :
is there a priority check within the queue which will resolve the "safe" ones before all the others?

(I have other few doubts on other elements but I will investigate the forum deeper before posting)


  • Let's say that I have defined two different interrupts, A and B, where the evenience of A is more relevant as impact on the process and I want to resolve it always before B. Is it possible to do so?

    Is it also possible to stop the resolution of B, managing the A and then continue with B ?