Getting the motor torque of YUMI

 Hi all,

I am recently using the YUMI robot. I have learned from a paper that we can get the motor torque of YUMI in real time and estimate the external force, but unfortunatelly there was no more details in that paper. 

Anyone managed to do that or has succesfully done? Could you share me the demo to help me get the motor torque of YUMI? 

Thanks a lot! 


  • Hello
    There is a RAPID instruction called GetMotorTorque. Have not tested if it works for yumi but I guess that it should.

            VAR num motor_torque2;
            motor_torque2 := GetMotorTorque(2);

  • Qh123 said:
     Hi all,

    I am recently using the YUMI robot. I have learned from a paper that we can get the motor torque of YUMI in real time and estimate the external force, but unfortunatelly there was no more details in that paper. 

    Anyone managed to do that or has succesfully done? Could you share me the demo to help me get the motor torque of YUMI? 

    Thanks a lot! 

    Have you succeeded to get the torque of YuMi? I tried with the GetMotorTorque function, but the axis number is only from 1-6.
    Moreover, when I tapped on the robot, the motor torque didn't really change too much.

    many thanks,
  • hello,

    where the value of the motor_torque is saved ? 
  • as far as i know the torque won't be saved until you write it in a file.
    GetMotorTorque() is kinda continouus stream i think.