Addin: Set number of undo steps

Hi all,

When you are modifying large CAD geometries, each undo step can use a considerable amount of system memory. In some cases you can also run out of graphics memory, which is not a good thing.
Therefore I wrote this very simple addin, that has one purpose: it lets you set the number of undo/redo steps from 0 (disable undo) to 10 (default). Just unzip the file to the ..Program Files...RobotStudioinAddins directory.


Johannes Weiman2006-11-27 10:0:38
Johannes Weiman
Software Engineer
ABB Robotics


  • Dear Johannes,

    Is there any way to reduce size of CAD data geometry in RS.

    like for example in CATIA V5, if we just want to use data for visualisation then we convert it to "cgr" format which occupies very less memory.




  • Hi Bipin,

    RS doesn't support CGR, but if possible you could use another visualization format such as VRML or STL. Note that some RS functions will not work without the mathematical CAD representation (e.g. snap modes, create path from curve), while some will work but with decreased accuracy (normal to surface).

    You should also try to simplify the models before you use them in RS. Remove features such as screws, screwholes and anything else that isn't necessary for simulation purposes.


    Johannes Weiman2006-12-4 10:59:4
    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics