RobotStudio event

save point from 1 coordinate system to antother


I have next situation:

Point p0_A is saved in coordinate system 1;

PERS robtarget p0_A:=[[-52.73,-13.05,64.11],[0.458761,-0.105427,-0.244361,-0.847769],[-1,-2,1,0],[9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];
PERS robtarget p0_B:=[[-52.73,-13.05,64.11],[0.458761,-0.105427,-0.244361,-0.847769],[-1,-2,1,0],[9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];

How to translate only x,y,z without execute point with movel - from point p0_A in coordinate system 1 to point p0_B coordinate system 2? - Orientation for both coordinate system is similar.

I try with instruction: 

p0_B := CPos(\Tool:=tool1 \WObj:=wobj1); 

Its OK but you must execute point with movel instructiom and I dont want this.

Thanks for you support,

Best regards


  • ECapitanio
    if i have cerrectly understand your question you can try it:

            VAR pose pos0_A;
            VAR pose pos0_B;
            VAR pose pos0_final;
            pos0_A.trans := p0_A.trans;
            pos0_A.rot := p0_A.rot;
            pos0_B.trans := [-52.73,-13.05,64.11]; ! place the effective ammount of translation from point A
            pos0_B.rot := [1,0,0,0]; ! no rotation added at from A point
            pos0_final := PoseMult(pos0_A, pos0_B); ! final composed position, refer to RAPID documentation about  PoseMult func.

    regards Emanuele

  • Pavel Riabichev
    Moving discussion to RobotWare