Dynamic Load Too High error when using EGM in Base Frame

I’m trying to use Base Frame mode of EGM on IRB and having “Dynamic load too high” error. The robot tried to go up (+z) for a very short time (less than 1sec or 0.5msec) and stopped with the error.

What I tried was just to send the current position (translation position = 400, 0, 125, rotation = 0, 1, 0, 0) as a destination. 
The following is a RAPID code I used for EGM. If you notice any mistakes, please let me know. Other parts worked correctly when I used Tool Frame mode.

EGMActPose egmID1\Tool:=tMyTool, corr_frame_offs, EGM_FRAME_WORLD, tMyTool.tframe, EGM_FRAME_BASE \x:=egm_minmax_lin1 \y:=egm_minmax_lin1 \z:=egm_minmax_lin1 \rx:=egm_minmax_rot1 \ry:=egm_minmax_rot1 \rz:=egm_minmax_rot1 \LpFilter:=4, \MaxPosDeviation:=1000 \MaxSpeedDeviation:=1000;
EGMActPose egmID1\Tool:=tMyTool, corr_frame_offs, EGM_FRAME_WORLD, tMyTool.tframe, EGM_FRAME_BASE \x:=egm_minmax_lin1 \y:=egm_minmax_lin1 \z:=egm_minmax_lin1 \rx:=egm_minmax_rot1 \ry:=egm_minmax_rot1 \rz:=egm_minmax_rot1 \LpFilter:=4, \MaxPosDeviation:=1000 \MaxSpeedDeviation:=1000;