RobotStudio event

EGM Path Correction - Rate of outgoing messages UdpUc

Hi everyone!

I'm trying to figure out how the sample rate works when running a sequence of EGMoveL instructions. 

I'm running a C++ application communicating with the controller using the UdpUc protocol. The fastest rate that I have been able to receive outgoing messages from the controller using the UdpUc protocol when simulating with a IRB6640 in RobotStudio is 144 ms. Reading the documentation for the EGMActMove instruction, it seems like the input data is read in multiples of 24 ms. I'm therefore a bit confused about at what rate the data is exchanged. Is the controller reading the incoming data faster than it is sending out readings? I would like to recive messages from the controller at a faster rate than 144 ms if it is possible. 

Extract for my RAPID code:

EGMSetupUC ROB_1, egmId, "pathCorr", "EGMsensor"\PathCorr\APTR\CommTimeout:=5;
EGMActMove egmId, tool0.tframe\SampleRate:=24;
EGMMoveL egmId, p1,v200,z10,NoName;
EGMMoveL egmId, p2,v200,z10,NoName;
EGMMoveL egmId, p3,v200,fine,NoName;

Am I missing something? Have anyone else had a similar issue?

Thank you in advance.