Can Tasks be hidden in RW 6.0+

I have created multiple task in my system. but I can only se the Motion task in the production window, program editor and so on. 
I have this problem in all systems from RW 6.0 and up. 
In Robotstudio It looks normal I I can se the program running. But It's not easy to debut.

Can anyone tell me, If I'm missing a flag or somthing someware or is it a bug in RW 6.0+?

Best Answer


  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    Semi-static and static tasks do not appear in the production window, are your tasks set to normal?
    Lee Justice
  • Yep. It is set to normal.
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    In teach, can you switch to the other task in the program editor window?
    Lee Justice
  • No. I can't even see them
  • There's option in Configuration->Controller->Task->"TaskName"->Hidden. If YES is marked then you'll have to change it.
  • Hmm YES is not marked, but the behavior, would indicate, that it is. Could there be a bug, that makes the system think is is marked, when it is not?