RobotStudio event

Update revolution counters ABB IRC5

Hi, the Flexpendant requested that the revolution counters were to be updated. The robot would not run at all until this was completed. The guy who worked on the problem previous to me has updated the counters but this has thrown all program positions slightly out. He has then gone on to modify half of the programs to suit which has left the whole sytem in a bit of a mess for me to pick up. Could someone advise on the best course of action to take? My thinking is to jog each axis to its physical zero marker position and reset the counters from there. Then roll back to previous back up before program changes were made. Thanks


  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    You pretty much answered your own question, but one other thing I would check the Calibration offsets.  By the way, if you were to do a full restore, it would put your calibration offsets back.
    Lee Justice
  • Above action sorted problem. Thanks