RobotStudio event

Conveyor tracking sincronization with Work Object


I have a new IRB360 working with Conveyor tracking. The system works well and the robot picks objets from the belt correctly. 
The problem that I have is : when the robot receives the object and it´s available to be picked, it takes around 0.1 seconds to do the first movement. It´s like it takes time to sincronize with the belt and therefore is not so fast as I would like. In addition, if 2 objects to be picked are very close, it always make a litle stop between the cicles ( pick and place ), when there is no "fine" position and it shouldn´t have this behavior. In order to avoid "fine" positions I wait until the coordinated movement is completed before to do DropWobj and WaitWobj.

Is it possible to reduce the time to de-sincronize ( DropWobj ) and re-sincronize ( WaitWobj ) with the belt ?

I have already had a look to the "advanced conveyor tracking" in the ABB manual, but I should need a deeper example because I don´t understand it completely.

Thanks in advance.