RobotStudio event

ABB IRC5 Robot and PLC Compact Logix 5000 Network

Hi everybody,

I am planning on creating an Ethernet network between my IRB 120 Robot, my Allen-Bradley Logix 5345 PLC and my PC, I have read that I need to complement my robot system with the add-in PC Interface 616-1. Can somebody shed me some light about how to do the communication between the PLC and the Robot, if this is via RAPID code, can sb share and example with me? Can sb tell me if the PC interface is really necessary and what else do I need to connect them.

Network Connections:

IRB 120 Robot Connected to Router
PLC Logix 5345 Connected to Router
-PC connected to Router
-Router Cisco WRT54G2 V1


  • Hello AlbertAviles,
    Did you find any information regarding to your question? I have the same question, except that I am using a PLCnext.