Logging cycle times to a file

hello everyone,

I am on an IRC5 with the non activated robotstudio.

I am wanting to code in a way to basically do this:

-Camera takes its image (I already have that programmed)

------the part is then identified (I already have that programmed)

-The cycle starts and runs through the routine (I want to start a CycleTime Start here)

-Part is complete and marked (I want to place a CycleTime Stop here)

The part ID and the cycle time for the process I would like to save into a spreadsheet if possible. Even if I have to extract the information to a spreadsheet that would be fine too.

I have multiple parts that are ran and each have a different cycle time, however, the robot is fed by the same machine which has the same cycle time for all of its processes.

Thank you so much in advace

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