Robotware compatibility error with IRC5


Recently I install Robotstudio 6 and robotware (same version) to control 2 industrial robots: IRB140, IRB360 and IRB2400. Those robot controllers have a old RobotWare version, hence I can't work in offline mode until robotware upgrade was made. 

I try to upgrade RobotWare version into IRC5 controllers with System Builder and Instalation Manager, but those procedures were unsuccessful because I need robotware license for real controller. I try to have support from ABB Brazil but after 1 week I dont have any answer to help with that issue.

I did C-start in one IRC5 controller and delete all system (IRB360) and now only have a operational system with IRC5 controller of IRB140 robot. Our university bought 3 industrial robots for research but We cant't work suitably because ABB support isn't closer with that issue.

I appreciate your help.



  • Hi,

    What are the controller numbers?

    Did you followed Migration proccess of RobotWare?


  • What was the version of robotware you started with?  Much older IRC5's main computer can only be upgraded with 5.xx version.
    Lee Justice
  • Hi,

    Thanks for reply. I had backup for IRB360 and restore it. Robotware only can be updated if some IRC5 hardware are updated too.
